Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Last Week for Inter-Library Loan

This is the last week that you as students will be able to request library books from another school.  Libraries will be starting inventory (counting books) and will need to make sure the books from other schools are returned.  If you have any questions please let me know-Mrs. Anderson

Monday, April 15, 2013

This week in our library...

-There will be no WISH
- I am gone Wednesday-Friday at the Montana Library Association Conference in Missoula, Mrs. Gleason will be your sub...have a great week and do your very best!

Monday, April 8, 2013

April is National Poetry Month!

Students have been exploring poetry in the 
April Library Centers:
Shel Silverstein recites his poems, students scan the QR codes to view them

Giggle Poetry's Tongue Twister

Students use the timer app on the iPod to time how long it takes them to recite the tongue twister

We recited the tongue twister "Betty Botter"  in less than 14 seconds!!!