Thursday, November 21, 2013

4th Grade: Reference Tour

 In preparation for up coming inquiry projects, 4th grade is touring different reference materials so they will be able to determine what resources they need to answer their questions.  This week, we explored dictionaries.  We read a biography about Noah Webster and used the interactive projector to practice some dictionary skills.  Students, then tested their knowledge with their assignment and received immediate feedback by scanning QR codes to check their work.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

6th Grade-Documenting and Sourcing Skills

This week in library we are going to beginning discussing some concepts that will help you understand what plagiarism is.

If a piece of information didn't come from your own thoughts, you should be able to tell exactly where it came from.

We are going to be looking at quotations and how to source where you found your information.  The search engine below as well as books, encyclopedias, books of quotes, dictionaries, and biographies can be used as your sources.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

3rd Grade Using Keywords

Today during Tech Time we discussed what keywords were and how to chose them and use them when locating information on the Internet.

Listed below are some search sites that children can use:

Kid Rex


Google SafeSearch for Kids

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Touring Non Fiction (Informational Books) in Our Library

Each book in the library is given a call number, which is the book's address of where it lives on the library shelves. Let us take a tour of some of the neighborhoods and see what we can discover!

Monday, October 7, 2013

October Reads

First Day with Chromebooks in Second Grade

Today students in second grade classes opened their D2 accounts for the first time. Students also were able to try using a webcam to take their picture. We discussed the importance of keeping passwords private and proper care and handling of the Chromebooks.  It will be an exciting year of learning and exploring.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Internet Safety

In the next several weeks during library and scheduled tech times.  Students will be learning about and discussing important points regarding safety on the Internet. is the resource that I am using for many of the lessons we are doing in library.

NetSmartz also has great parent information as well, just click on the link below to access the information.
Parents and Guardians

Click on the link below to post your group's thoughts


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Billings Public Library Tour

I was able to tour the Billings Public Library on Friday the 13th.  It was an amazing experience and I am very excited to share the photos with you.   The Billings Public Library will capture what our City of Billings and State of Montana is all about and will be a treasure in our community.

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Create your own digital slideshow

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Our New School Year is Almost Here!

I am looking forward to seeing all of you on Wednesday and I am very excited to start the year with our new library layout.  We will have some changes based on your feedback last year and I am excited to see how the changes will work.  Keep checking the blog as I will be updating it over the next few days!
~ Mrs. Anderson

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Last Week for Inter-Library Loan

This is the last week that you as students will be able to request library books from another school.  Libraries will be starting inventory (counting books) and will need to make sure the books from other schools are returned.  If you have any questions please let me know-Mrs. Anderson

Monday, April 15, 2013

This week in our library...

-There will be no WISH
- I am gone Wednesday-Friday at the Montana Library Association Conference in Missoula, Mrs. Gleason will be your sub...have a great week and do your very best!

Monday, April 8, 2013

April is National Poetry Month!

Students have been exploring poetry in the 
April Library Centers:
Shel Silverstein recites his poems, students scan the QR codes to view them

Giggle Poetry's Tongue Twister

Students use the timer app on the iPod to time how long it takes them to recite the tongue twister

We recited the tongue twister "Betty Botter"  in less than 14 seconds!!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Media Literacy- 6th Grade

Go to the website below and follow your instructions on the activity sheet you have been given, see how media saavy you are:

Monday, March 4, 2013

Exploring Book Series: Clifford by Norman Birdwell

Kindergarten has been looking at different book series and enjoyed the Clifford series the best!  They now can locate Clifford books and many other books in our library!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Try Infotopia...

Infotopia is a search engine that is a safe Google alternative for students to use when searching for information on the web.  Infotopia offers a variety of reference and informational sites for subjects such as:  art, social science, math, social issues, science and technology. and biography.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

QR Codes in the Library

Second Grade classes at Bitterroot participated in a book review project.  Students read a book and completed an author study and book review.  Students shared their review via videos linked to QR codes.  QR Codes (quick response) are a two dimensional code which are readable by using QR scanners that are available on smart phones, iPads, tablets, and other devices with a camera.

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This free picture collage generated with Smilebox

Mr. English is banana spilts about reading!

Bitterroot students read over 100,000 minutes in our school's read-a-thon turning
Mr. English into a giant banana split!

ABC Order in the Library

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Create a digital collage

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013

1st Grade Library

First graders in our library have had a change to their library routine.  They are now able to check out three books apiece during library check out.  Since our return to school, we have discussed how to pick a "Just Right Book" by using several strategies.  Students are expected to check out one book that they can read and may pick two other books that allow them to explore their personal interests.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Listening to our first podcast!

A podcast is a multimedia digital file that is available on the Internet for downloading to an mp3 player or computer.  Please click on the link below to listen to Rick Riordan's interview:

The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Episode for Families: Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Respecting People's Work

Although using the Internet makes learning easy, copying the work of other people and saying it is your own is call plagiarism   Use the search engine below  to complete your "Whose is It, Anyway?" exercise.


Infotopia is an academic search engine that accesses websites that have been approved by a group of educators such as teachers and librarians.

Listed below are two websites that can help you create your citations:

Son of Citation Machine

Easy Bib

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone!  The library is up and running and looking forward to visitors.  I will not be sending out overdue notices this week as we are just coming back from a break and everyone needs a chance to get settled into routines again.

I will be making some small changes to our blog in the coming month and will share those changes with classes as they happen.

January is great month to cozy up with a good book

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