Thursday, November 21, 2013

4th Grade: Reference Tour

 In preparation for up coming inquiry projects, 4th grade is touring different reference materials so they will be able to determine what resources they need to answer their questions.  This week, we explored dictionaries.  We read a biography about Noah Webster and used the interactive projector to practice some dictionary skills.  Students, then tested their knowledge with their assignment and received immediate feedback by scanning QR codes to check their work.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

6th Grade-Documenting and Sourcing Skills

This week in library we are going to beginning discussing some concepts that will help you understand what plagiarism is.

If a piece of information didn't come from your own thoughts, you should be able to tell exactly where it came from.

We are going to be looking at quotations and how to source where you found your information.  The search engine below as well as books, encyclopedias, books of quotes, dictionaries, and biographies can be used as your sources.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

3rd Grade Using Keywords

Today during Tech Time we discussed what keywords were and how to chose them and use them when locating information on the Internet.

Listed below are some search sites that children can use:

Kid Rex


Google SafeSearch for Kids