Saturday, December 8, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Text Messaging!

On December 3, 1992, the first telephone text message was sent by British engineer Neil Papworth.  He sent the message "Merry Christmas" from his computer to a co-worker's mobile phone. Billings Gazette. December 3, 2012.

Monday, November 26, 2012

2nd Grade Math Tech Time

1.  Complete your Xtra Math

Xtra Math

2.  Odd Number Blaster

Number Blaster

2.  Christmas Lights

Math Fact Fun

3. Let's try something different at Tech Time:

Word Builder

1st Grade Math Tech Time

1.  Complete your Xtra Math:

Xtra Math

2.  Gingerbread Man

Gingerbread Man

3.  Picture Match

Picture Match

4.  Christmas Lights

Math Fact Fun

Monday, November 19, 2012

3rd Grade- Test your Author's PIE knowledge!

In library, we have been discussing author's purpose.  This week we are going to test our skills in determining the author's purpose.

With your partner go to a computer and click on the link below and determine if the following headings are intended to:


Purpose Challenge

When you are finished you may start check-out :)

Friday, November 16, 2012

Mock Election Results

The Winners are... Frenk: Coke and Gummy Bears- Albarez: Bugs Bunny and Football- Umemoto: Coke and Doritos- Bottstein: Pluto and Gymnastics
Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook
Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox
Make your own free scrapbook

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

3rd Grade Author's Purpose Activity

An author's purpose means that authors write to communicate something.

 Author's Purpose PIE

Persuade:  to convince the reader of a certain point of view

Inform:  to teach or give information to the reader

Entertain:  to hold the attention of the reader through enjoyment

Together let's explore this activity to help you determine an author's purpose:

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

1st Grade Math Tech Time

1. Complete your math practice on:
Xtra Math

2. Then you can click on the following links to more fun math practice

 Skip Counting By 2, 5, and 10
Click on Skip Counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's, Click on Start your activity, Click on start

Number Order

100 Number Grid

2nd Grade Math Tech Time

1. Complete a practice session on
 Xtra Math

2.  Then chose any of the following fun math practice activities:

One Digit Addition
Click on one digit addition, click on start your activity

Math Man

Dolphin Feed: Counting Money

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

4th Grade Tornadoes-Part 2

Explore the following websites about tornado safety and answer the questions on your note page.

FEMA for Kids: Tornadoes

American Red Cross: Tornado

NOAA: Tornado Safety

Caring For Animals

Image retrieved from  October 2, 2012

Sunday, September 30, 2012

5th and 6th Grade- Mock Election Week 4 -Development of Political Parties

This week we are going to review note taking and practice note taking skills while learning about the development of political parties in the United States.

Political Parties

Saturday, September 22, 2012

4th Grade-Tornado Research and Project-Part 1

Explore the following websites to get a sense of where tornadoes are most common and what conditions are most favorable for the creation of tornados.

Eye in the Sky-Tornadoes

Scholastic: All About Tornadoes

USA Today: Tornadoes-Nature's Most Violent Wind

Use your map to color in areas in the United States where most tornadoes occur and take notes on the back of the map page on the following points for class discussion.

Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons 9/22/12

All About the Presidents!

As a work of the Federal Government, this image is under the Public Domain

Click here to learn about how presidents are elected in the United States.

Click here to discover little known secrets about our presidents.

Monday, September 10, 2012

How do I know if a book is JUST RIGHT? (3rd Grade)

Think about riding a bike...

What do you feel like when riding your bike becomes to tricky?

What do you feel like when riding your bike too easy?

What do you feel like when riding your bike is just right?

This week, we are going to compare riding a bike at different levels to reading a book at different levels.

The Napping House (K)

In kindergarten library classes this week, we will be listening to the "Napping House"

Young Reader's Choice (4th, 5th, and 6th)

The Pacific Northwest Library Association's Young Reader's Choice Award is the oldest children's choice award in the U.S. and Canada. The award was established in 1940 by a Seattle bookseller, the late Harry Hartman, who believed every student should have an opportunity to select a book that gives him or her pleasure.(Young Reader's Choice FAQs,

13 Treasures- Michelle Harrison

Fatty Legs - Christy Jordan-Fen

Lone Wolf- Kathryn Lasky

The Lost Hero - Rick Riordan

The Mysterious Howling - Maryrose Wood

The Strange Case of Origami Yoda- Tom Angleberger

Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer- John Grisham

Nominations are taken only from children, teachers, parents and librarians in the Pacific Northwest ~ Alaska, Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana and Washington.  Nominations will not be accepted from publishers.  Nominations of books that are a sequel in a series will not be considered. Nominations may include fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, animae and manga. (Young Reader's Choice, FAQs
Images retrieved from, September 10, 2012

5th and 6th Grade Mock Election

Over the next 8 weeks students in 5th and 6th grade will be working on a mock election project.  Students will be exploring the election process in the United States  which is a collaboration between library and classroom.  Students will access information from a variety of sources in the library and on-line.  They will read for information and use the information to present a final election campaign project.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Dear Bitterroot Families

Your children will be attending library weekly during the school year.  Each grade will be bringing home books weekly (kindergarten and first will bring home 1 book a week).  The library books are due back to our library on your child's library day.

Please help us encourage these good habits in the following areas:

  • How to handle a book carefully;
  • How to keep books in a safe place;
  • How to return books to the library on time.

I am looking forward to sharing my love of reading and books with your children.  If you have any questions please call or email me.  


Mrs. Anderson

Phone:  281-6982

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Story Time with Dwan Edwards, defensive tackle for the Buffalo Bills

On Wednesday, June 27th, join, Dwan Edwards, defensive tackle for the Buffalo Bills, for story time at the Parmly Billings Library.  He will be reading "You Can Do It" by Tony Dungy and signing autographs.
Bring something to for Mr. Edwards to sign.  Story time starts at 7pm.

Fun Things To Do This Summer

Looking for things to do this summer?  Here is a list below of some ideas...

  • Plant something and help it grow
  • Read a book from a genre (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, mystery, science fiction) that you normally don't read 
  • Start a collection
  • Bird Watch and identify birds in your neighborhood (the Public Library has many books on birds)
  • Learn to find constellations
  • Make a collage with old magazines

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Enjoy Your Summer!

I hope everyone has a wonderful summer break!  I will update my blog every couple of weeks.  In the meantime enjoy this site.  Story Online is a great place to listen to a good story...

Story Online

Thursday, May 31, 2012

For those of you who like origami...

Check out the link below to this site

Origami Club

This site provides diagrams and video instruction to folding.

Monday, May 21, 2012

When you read for the fun of it!
Parents and Students Check out the link below for information on the challenge and register to win prizes!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tech Time with AudioBoo

A couple of weeks ago 5th grade students were able to learn about audioboo and record some musical pieces that they were practicing for their concert.  Click on these links below to hear their music:

boo 1       boo 5

boo 2

boo 3

boo 4

Audioboo is a program on the internet that you can access and use with your parent permission :)

Monday, April 30, 2012

Weathergrams 2012
Weathergrams is a term that means "weather writing".  Weathergrams are poems of about ten words.  They are hung on bushes, trees or along trails.  They are seasonal and are meant to weather and wither like old leaves.  Students created their poems then transferred their poems to strips of grocery store bags and then decorated them with stamps and ink.  Check these poems out that are hung on our school fence!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Poetry Podcasts

Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on"

Listen to poetry podcast performances from our students by clicking on the links below:

If We Walked On Our Hands

What is Purple

My Favorite Word

Turn Off the TV

Thursday, April 26, 2012

4th Grade: Having Fun with Poetry

Part One:
Chose one Poetry Class to take from this link on Giggle Poetry

Write a short poem based on what you learn.  Turn in to green assignment bucket.

Part Two:
Create a poem from an everyday shape at this may print one when you have finished and turn it into the green assignment basket.
Click on the link below to get started...

Part Three:
Explore our poetry books on display and in our non fiction (800s) and pick one for check out this week.

Early World of Learning

During library we learned about butterflies and discovered even more information on
World Book Online's Early World of Learning.  World Book Online is provided to you as a library service that is available 24/7, 365 days a year.

Click on this link to take you to World Book Online and use the log in information your child brought home to access your "world of learning"

Resources for 7 Wonders of the World Project

Listed below are links to resources for your project:

Phillip Martin c2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Zippy Poems... (M-5/6)

Today in class, we will write syllable structured poetry about animals based on the numbers found in specific zip codes...

Can you thinks of a place named for an animal?  Do you know its zip?

These websites can help you find it  and

Some animal suggestions for this project:


Thursday, April 19, 2012

6th Grade-Seven Wonders of World Assignment

Part One:
View the websites on the webquest for information about about each of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.


Complete the Web Cards:  Two Days of Class April 20th and April 27th

Part Two:
FINAL PROJECT DUE AT END OF CLASS MAY 18TH and presented to class MAY 25TH

Create a one minute advertisement for your Ancient Wonder:
Work together in your assigned group.  Make an advertisement that can be videoed by my camera or the iPads.

The ad should include:

1.  Title "screen" with the name of the Wonder printed.  Spelling & capitalization matters!
2.  Background scenery.   A 12" x 18" picture of the Wonder.  Make it neat & colorful!
3.  Credits "screen" with your sources listed and the first names of your team & their jobs.
4.  A puppet on a craft stick for each team member.  (You may use your photo).
5.  At least eight interesting facts about the Wonder.   Include:
         WHERE it existed
         WHEN it was built 
         WHY it was made
         WHAT made it special
6.  Include an advertising slogan that sells your Wonder as the best!
7.  Include a speaking part for each team member.

You will be graded on the accuracy of your facts, the persuasiveness of your ad, and the elements that make your ad colorful and interesting.

Group Assignments will be made on Friday April 27th during class. 
Project Adapted from Waples and Delaney

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April is National Poetry Month

Today during Tech Time you will be writing a shape poem from

Click on the link below and print your poem when finished for display in our library!


When you have finished your poem, return to the library blog and explore the National Geographic Link in the right hand column.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

On-LIne Safety 4th Grade

Today in class we are going to learn about on-line safety with Garfield and his friends...

Click on the Link Below to WATCH    LEARN    APPLY

On Line Safety

Doing Your Book Review-before recording begins

Things to remember when preparing your review:

Prepare your script and include what you want to share about the book and who you would recommend the book to (example: I would recommend this book to people who like mysteries)

Read through your script two or three times to make sure you can read what you wrote and that it makes sense ( It helps to read it with someone else)

Introduce the book including both the title and author (Remember for our reviews, we do not use our names or school)

Speak clearly and slowly

Practice looking up at the camera (if you are doing video)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

It's a BOGO Book Fair!!!

Book Fair
Hours of Operation:
Thursday 3/29-Monday 4/2
8:10 am-8:25 am 

Friday, March 16, 2012

6th Grade- Exploring Reference Sites

There are many great online reference desks.  Listed below are links to just a few.  Visit each site and using the worksheet given to you in class, evaluate the sites.  What do you like? What would make it better?

The Kids's Space at the Internet Public Library

The Library Spot

Yahoo! Reference

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Newbery Award

4th graders!
We will be learning about the history behind the Newberry Award and look at some of the books over the years that have won the award or have been honored...

John Newbery Biography

About the Newbery Medal

The Newbery Terms and Criteria

Have you read any Newbery winner or honor books?  What was the title?  Did you like the book?  Why or why not?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

6th Grade- Free On-Line References

For the next few weeks we will be familiarizing ourselves with reliable references that are available on-line to you.  These reference resources can help you with school work or every day information you need to get (and they are open 24 hours/7 days a week)

This week our focus will be on the following two resources:

Your assignment is...
Click on this link to listen to my instructions

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

All about Dr. Seuss from Seussville

No matter what shape…
No matter what size…
Step in the library…
And give your spirit a rise!

Read a Seuss book…
Read one I say…
Then read another…and another…
And another all day.

Read  Seuss books…
From morn until night.
Go to bed late
And get up all bright.

Read them…and read them…
And read them some more.
And you will be happy
As never before.
Tony L. Pope, 2007

Read by Justin Bieber

Read by Tim Tebow

Monday, February 27, 2012

M-5/6 Morales Science Project

Listed below are some on-line resources that may help you with your project (remember to cite your sources):

Be sure to click on the thumbnail and go to the original website and cite the photographer or artist

PowerPoint Resources:
these tutorials may offer tips and ideas for you while you are creating your powerpoint